Who We Are 

Click Labs mission is to set up every business to succeed during a competitive market, continually changing. With so many technological changes, small business is in between crossroads where to allocate their marketing efforts. Email Base Solutions mission is to position itself as a vessel for small businesses to rely on and adequately educate them on what platforms to allocate their marketing efforts. Our marketing strategy revolves around your business website. We believe that your website should be your number one sales-person attracting and converting customers while you're asleep. Many businesses are not aware of the importance of maintaining a speedy website and posting relevant content regularly to attract the right lead. The process may take time, but the investment is worth allocating. 


Every onboarding process starts with a site audit to figure out your website's strengths and weaknesses. Based on our research, our team begins to outline the discovery of your current competitors and form a keyword and content strategy to beat your competitors. For our local business, our approach is to target the citie locations they serve and make unique content based on those locations. Learn more about our results. 
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